Crossout Wikia
Next Step This article is about a limited edition item that can only be retrieved during an event «Next Step».

Tengu (rus. Тэнгу) is an Epic robotic leg in Crossout.


"We were soon contacted by Aris. He offered to help us manufacture the walkers, but on a condition that we support his search for Oracle modules in the Syndicate terrotory. They've reportedly developed robotic legs as well. I suspect that Aris can be playing a double game." - Scar AB, Report 62.

  • Sets the armoured car in motion. Has an increased road clearance and allows to move in any direction.
  • When mounted on an armoured car, binds its driving direction to the direction of the camera.


  • During event Next Step (2024):
    • Receive in the amount of 2 upgraded pieces upon reaching 18 (battle pass required).
    • Craft normal and upgraded versions at the temporary event workbench since levels 25 and 21.
  • Buy at the market.


Next Step This article is about a limited edition item that can only be retrieved during an event «Next Step».
Special workbench 2.19.0
250 × BearingsBearings
Reliability — Durability +10%
Handling — Acceleration efficiency increased by 10%
Next Step This article is about a limited edition item that can only be retrieved during an event «Next Step».
Special workbench 2.19.0
400 × Scrap metalScrap metal
300 × WiresWires
400 × CopperCopper
100 × PlasticPlastic
2 × FlamingoFlamingo
2 × TempuraTempura


• Durability +10%
• Mass -17%
• Resistance to all damage +10%