Crossout Wikia
Crossout Wikia
Portal Steppenwolfs Stories

Steppenwolves are one of the factions that make up the influential Brotherhood organization along with the Scavengers. This is an elite squad, carrying out dangerous missions in difficult conditions. They often have to cover long distances, moving over rough terrain, and perform the most difficult tasks in inhuman conditions. It is not surprising that they get the most advanced devices and inventions from the Brotherhood.

The backbone of the Wolves is made up of the old school military. Those who were able to survive on their own and helped preserve the civilian population in the most difficult years, immediately after the disaster.

But recently, the squad, at the behest of the permanent leader Major, nicknamed the Ironhand, is increasingly replenished with insufficiently "clean" fighters. This worries the staff rats, but not the Wolves themselves, who are absolutely loyal to their commander.
