I recently started playing crossout more and i was just wondering, what is your favorite weapon to use?
I recently started playing crossout more and i was just wondering, what is your favorite weapon to use?
I like the Mandrake and Tempest, personally.
That’s a good build, I like the weapons, the mandrake is funny to use though
Do you know the weapon(s) that throw lighting at enemy’s? I run into them a lot and it’s annoying because it’s basically throwing Zeus thunderbolts at me and I have no clue what they are
Probably one of the energy weapons, it depends on what kind of lightning but what first came to mind for me was the Quasar: https://crossout.fandom.com/wiki/Quasar
It wasent the quasar but your probably right with the energy weapons
It might have been the assembler
Interesting question. For me, my favorite weapons are Autocannons. Stillwinds and Cyclones. That said, almost all weapons have their place and Crossout is all about countering other weapons. Like Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Yeah, it all depends because machine guns can counter cannons and auto cannons if they get too close, same with rockets, but cannons, rockets and auto cannons counter melee weapons, and melee weapons counter machine guns because they are usually heavier armored vehicles.
True, true.
What do you think?